At Noseworthy Chapman we are able to draw on our extensive experience and expertise to apply the lessons we have learned helping other private and public sector clients. We provide practical advice to build your organization and maximizing its success.


This specialty requires a combination of detailed auditing capabilities, an understanding of business information and systems, and appropriate investigative techniques.

Our services in this area include:

  • Independent assessment of losses due to fraudulent activities;
  • Independent assessment of economic loss, business-interruption loss, and damage quantification;
  • Assistance with preparation for questioning or cross-examination;
  • Preparation of expert reports in compliance with the rules of court;
  • Rebuttal or critique of opposing expert’s report;
  • Qualified as experts to provide accounting, taxation, and business-valuation evidence before a court, regulatory body or government authority; and
  • Attendance at trial, mediation and arbitration.


Strategic planning for the future is important to all organizations. Many organizations develop a business plan in deciding on expansion or acquisition opportunities, introducing a new product or service line and obtaining financing.

Our services in this area include:

  • Identifying the need and best source for financing;
  • Business case and business plan development;
  • Strategic planning;
  • Financial analysis, forecasts, and projections; and
  • Assistance with complex financial calculations.


Whether your successors are family members, employees, or outside buyers, we can help you prepare your succession plan from a tax, commercial, financial, and risk perspective. We will collaborate with your legal team to explore all of your options and ensure that you maximize the value of your years of hard work.


In the unfortunate event of a marital breakdown, we can collaborate with your legal team and advise you on asset valuation and financial planning.

Contact us to discuss your consulting and special project needs.

How can we assist you?